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2024-08-09 08:20



Meeting on Sharing Best Practices in Crime Suppression in the Lancang-Mekong Region and the Kick-Off Meeting of Joint Operation SEAGULL Held in Kunming


In order to implement the consensus reached during the Fourth Leaders’Meeting for the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation and the Five-Year Action Plan for the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (2023-2027), to push forward the consensus reached during the Preparatory Meeting for Joint Operation“Safe Lancang-Mekong” held by LMLECC in April and implement the initiative of Joint Operation“Safe Lancang-Mekong”, from August 6 to August 7, the Meeting on Sharing Best Practices in Crime Suppression in the Lancang-Mekong Region and the Kick-Off Meeting of Joint Operation SEAGULL organized by LMLECC was held in Kunming.


Over 50 representatives from the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia, the Ministry of Public Security of China, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Defense of Laos, the Myanmar Police Force, the Royal Thai Police, theMinistry of Public Security of Vietnam, UNODC and INTERPOL attended this meeting.


Representatives present at this meeting jointly analyzed the situation, harms and trends in relation to telecom fraud and its related crimes as well as firearms smuggling. They unanimously think that the above-mentioned serious transnational crimes are spreading in this region, and no single country is immune from them or could deal with them independently. And it is necessary for six countries to join hands to take coordinated measures to address them on the principle of mutual consultation and joint governance. And the joint operation should be initiated to build the Safe Lancang-Mekong Region. Representatives unanimously agreed that six countries share best practices with each other and learn from each other, thus not only jointly enhancing crime suppression capability but also strengthening mutual understanding and trust. And in this way, it will lay a solid foundation for the implementation of this joint operation.


Officials of LMLECC introduced the action plan for Joint Operation SEAGULL, which is the sub-operation of Joint Operation “Safe Lancang-Mekong”and focuses on the crackdown on telecom fraud and its related crimes as well as firearms smuggling. Participatinglaw enforcement agencies will identify main criminal syndicates, capture main criminal suspects, rescue trapped laborers, confiscate criminal assets, strengthen border control, enhance crimes governance and prevention, and accumulate experiences for further joint strikes in the future. Representatives from six countries unanimously agreed and jointly announced to launch this five-month joint operation in six Lancang Mekong countries from August 7 to the end of 2024. And it was also agreed that the results evaluation of this joint operation will be conducted in January of 2025.


And for the purpose of guaranteeing pragmatic results of this operation, representatives from six countries unanimously agree that in order to promote transnational cooperation efficiency in a comprehensive way, they will send operation coordinators to LMLECC during this joint operation, strengthen mutual communication and coordination, facilitate intelligence and information exchanges, enhance cooperation on investigation and fugitive removal, and conduct implementation supervision.


Representatives from UNODC and INTERPOL respectively introduced their understanding of the prominent crimes in the Lancang-Mekong Region. And they emphasized the importance of international law enforcement cooperation, encouraged the implementation of joint operation by six countries, expressed their appreciation for LMLECC’s organization and coordination for this operation. Meanwhile, they promised to both provide corresponding support for this joint operation and to explore the cooperation and coordination mechanism with other international organizations including LMLECC.
